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Lifting The Veil: MAG 1. Truth or Dare


Preview: "This is important, Malik. And it's worth looking into." Edgar said from behind his large, mahogany desk.

"It's all nonsense. All of it. It was nonsense back in 2016 and I can assure you that it is no different now. Why should we bother wasting resources on a maybe?" Malik said, struggling to hide the frustration in his voice.

"You know that I'm capable of more, I'm better than this." Malik said, arms spread out.

"Yes yes Malik, I know what you're capable of. Your paper has received nothing but overwhelming praise yet again and you put a cork in the end..."


"Lifting The Veil" is a derivative, non-canonical, fan-made project derived from "The Magnus Archives", an original podcast which is created and distributed by Rusty Quill Ltd. "Lifting The Veil" is not endorsed by Rusty Quill Ltd. and is distributed under a creative-commons, attribution, noncommercial, sharealike, 4.0 international license.

For more information about the original source material visit

Trigger warnings:

Kidnapping/abduction, violence, gore/graphic content, psychological trauma, paranormal themes, substance abuse, and last but definitely by no means the least, stalking.

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